The Wisdom of anus

The show

The rebirth of this show!

After 38 performances as Shiny Beast, my drag-clown character… I now take the stage without a clown nose, without makeup… without safety net.  More vulnerable, surely. More confronting, perhaps. More in tune with who I am today, for sure.

As clownish and full of energy as ever…

A collective ritual to break taboos about the body and sexuality, to educate ourselves again and again… laugh, play and enjoy!

‘Changing the world, one anus at a time
You don’t get to choose your soul mission…

NB: all photos and videos are taken by the incredible Lydie Roure, videographer and communications consultant. .

Wisdom from the anus

Relaxation and pleasure for all genders

 Upcoming dates

  • Thursday 10 October, 9pm: bar O’Sixela, Chambéry. Free admission, no need to register.

Invite me, I perform anywhere… At the Royal Albert Hall, your favorite community bar, Wembley Stadium, or your living room…

To invite me:

Crédit photo : Lydie Roure

Already performed at…

1st version : Festival Yoniversel (Privas, Ardèche), Grenoble (Yolo, Déesses x2), Midi Minuit), Férel (privé), Dinan (Terre de Lune), Festival Manoeuvre (Marseille), Festival Dare D’art (St Pierreville, Ardèche), Annecy (à L’Ecrevis), Solaure en Diois (privé), Chambéry (L’insolente), Paris (Les miroirs de l’âme, la Trockette et le 30ème Ciel), Ganges (association Humanly), St Girons (Patate 2000), Foix (La Mauvaise Foix, Le Patchwork), La Bastide de Sérou (La Buerie), Mas d’Azil (Poil de la Bête, Capuche Béret), Genolier – Suisse (avec Corps Solidaires), Ambilly (privé), St Affrique (Lieu-dit), Rabastens (Le Banc Sonore x2), Toulouse (privé, L’itinéraire Bis), Carla Bayle (privé), Albi (Le Charli), Montoison (la Colline), Lodève (au CLAP), Montpellier (La Base), Dun (Moulin de Dun), Cahors (La poule aux Potes), Castelfranc (Le 18), Martres-Tolosane (privé)

New version : Grenoble (Yolo)

Teaser of the show. Credits: Lydie Roure

A collective experience

‘The wisdom of anus’ is a lecture-show. A time anchored in feeling, during which we share knowledge and know-how about the anus. Content and dynamics to practise.

Like the rest of your body, your anus deserves your attention, your care and your presence. Between seduction and activism, humour and nervous system regulation ; you will gently delve into the magical and unsuspected world of the most subversive part of your body.

Laugh at taboos, challenge gender prejudices, embrace the full spectrum of human emotions to open up to unexpected pleasures… it’s all here to finally dare to explore a little more of your relaxation, your orgasmic potential and your right to pleasure.

An educational, joyful, and loving manifesto that will leave you… on your ass. A true delight!

Breaking taboos

The idea is to take a light-hearted yet profound approach to a subject that is sometimes denied or mocked, often taboo and associated with shame, embarrassment or prohibition. More broadly, the show is a collective experiment in freeing people to talk about pleasure and sexuality.

Sex education for all

There’s no age limit to deepening your bodily and sexual education. The show brings knowledge and skills, with content and practices to explore.

Deconstructing hetero-patriarchal norms

This show revisits and disrupts gender norms. The subject of the anus confronts traditional models of heterosexuality, questioning the roles of penetrator/penetrated, active/passive, and so on.

« Practically everyone, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, can become more aware of their anal area, learn to relax their anal-rectal muscles, and enhance their ability to enjoy all types of anal stimulation they desire. However, it requires sufficient motivation, a bit of patience, and a clear idea of how to proceed. It is also important to be aware of the effects of anal taboo and to challenge them. Almost everyone I’ve worked with has found that the rewards—pleasure, relaxation, and health—are well worth the effort »

Dr Jack Morin

Author of Anal Pleasure and Health

Instructive and educational, tender and funny, it challenges and feels great! I never thought a show could tease me so much!

I really loved it. I found it gentle, flamboyant, poetic, and above all, so vibrant.

I thought I would feel really uncomfortable… but it was actually easy, gentle, light, joyful… and I learned a lot.

Thank you for helping me reclaim my body and pleasure.

Can’t wait to practice all of this!

Audience Testimonials

Thomas Rocourt

Somatic coaching

The path of feeling, eroticism and joy

+33 768 81 13 68


I send out one newsletter a month.

I put my heart, care and attention into it.
With my thoughts of the moment, and my proposals for the future.